LOTO - Lockout Tag Out Course
Transform Your Safety Practices
At Solvexis, we specialize in providing world-class safety training to the construction industry. We are pleased to announce our latest Lockout Tagout (LOTO) course
specifically designed for construction sites, utilising the newest safety standards
and practices.
The LOTO process ensures that dangerous machines are properly shut down and
are not started up until the maintenance work is completed. This crucial safety
training minimally disrupts site productivity while maximizing worker safety.
Here’s why you should enroll today:

Enhanced safety measures:
Our LOTO training will equip your team with the essential skills to perform lockout
or tagout equipment, reducing the risk of machinery-related construction site accidents dramatically.
Stay Compliant:
Ensure you are updated with current safety regulations. Our course is consistently
updated with the latest Danish and International safety standards, helping you to
stay compliant.
Hands-on Learning:
We deliver our courses through experienced trainers with extensive industry experience, providing hands-on, engaging, and practical lessons.
Save Time:
LOTO reduces unforeseen downtime by ensuring that machines are properly locked out during repairs and only resumed when it’s safe.
Reduce Costs:
Our LOTO training helps you avoid potential financial loss due to machinery work stoppage mishaps and preventable accidents.
Invest in the knowledge and skills to make your construction site safer with Solvexis LOTO training. Create a culture of safety that permeates every level of your organization, reducing accidents, saving costs, and boosting productivity.
Join Solvexis, the trusted choice of Denmark’s leading construction companies. We are committed to delivering training that meets the highest global standards.
For a safe, compliant, and productive construction site, choose Solvexis LOTO training. Enroll today and make your construction site a safer place!

Contact us for more information on our LoCKOUT TAGOUT COuRSE
You can fill in the simple form below, or call us on the phone number at the bottom. Either way, we are happy to hear from you.